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Indian Journal of Legal Medicine

Volume  5, Issue 1, January – June 2024, Pages 13-35

Original Article

Demographics of Driver and Pillion Rider in Fatal Cases of Motorised Two Wheeler Accidents

Prabeesh Y1, Fairoz Khan2, Padmini Hannah Noone3, Sudhamshu Raj Sharma4

1Assistant Professor, 2Associate  Professor, 3Professor, 4Professor and HOD (Retired), Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Vydehi  Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre,  Bengaluru 560066, Karnataka, India.

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Background: Motorised two wheeler accidents cause a great deal of morbidity and mortality.    The demographics of the same including the factors involved helps to identify the risks  involved. This can help in policy making in order to save lives.
Methods: A study was conducted during the period 2011 to 2013 after obtaining ethical  clearance from the institutional ethics committee. The demographics of driver and pillion  riders involved in fatal cases of motorised two wheelers were collected in a prospective autopsy  based study in the Department of Forensic Medicine. The data collected included incidence    rate of two wheeler accidents compared to total number of road traffic accidents, sex ratio, age  pattern, day wise distribution, time of occurrence and vehicles collided. Conclusion: Out of a total number of 84 autopsies on road traffic accident cases, 37 cases
were that of two wheeler accidents. Male predominance pattern was seen in drivers and pillion riders. Drivers were more affected. Age wise the highest number was in the range of 21 to 30 years. Day wise drivers were more affected on Saturday and pillion rider on Monday. Time wise   majority of cases were during 12pm to 8pm duration. Vehic les with gear had more incidence.
Majority of fatalities occurred on the spot. Most of the vehicles collided with heavy vehicles.

Keywords : Motorised two wheeler; Driver; Pillion rider; Autopsy; Demographics; Risks.
Corresponding Author : Padmini Hannah Noone