Practical Emergency Trauma Toxicology Cases Workbook in Simulation Training
Dr Vivekanshu Verma, MBBS, Dr Shiv Rattan Kochar, MBBS, MD & Dr Devendra Richhariya, MBBS, MD
Dr Vivekanshu Verma, MBBS, Dr Shiv Rattan Kochar, MBBS, MD & Dr Devendra Richhariya, MBBS, MD
Managing Trauma & Toxicology is not a career for the faint hearted. Progression through training requires passing the Practical’s, accepted as being one of the most difficult parts of Scoring, if not prepared & studied in advance. Creating objective structured clinical exams (OSCEs) or Objective Structured Practical exams (OSPEs). Simulation exercises in Injury & Intoxication can feel overwhelming, but the benefits of this kind of practice-based learning and assessment—for future health care practitioners and their future patients! —make them work definitely worth doing. This is why we wrote this book. It is our hope that the systematic approach offered here will make it easier for more people to get involved in the process of conducting OSCEs or OSPE exercises. OSCEs play an increasing role within contemporary health professions education across all disciplines and across the continuum of training. They are important educational tools for high-quality teaching (formative assessments) as well as for the evaluation of basic and advanced clinical skills (summative assessments). Medical students can use this book as a study aid, as selection of case scenarios has been customized to make this book beneficial for a wide variety of audience preparing for OSCEs & OSPEs. This book will help Postgraduates of MD & DNB in Emergency Medicine, Forensic Medicine, Critical Care & undergraduate candidates preparing for Subject of Acute Trauma care, Clinical Forensic & Toxicological Emergencies. The OSCE is an internationally accepted valid tool for evaluating clinical performance. We sincerely hope that the simulation cases in this book will be beneficial to trainees in their preparation for the USMLE examination and also for other equivalent competitive examinations (MRCEM, MCEM, MEM) and competency assessments (FRCS). The OSPEs instill terror in the minds of candidates. The sheer number of stations and brevity of each one demands a profound level of knowledge coupled with continual practice. This book is an invaluable aide to trainees sitting the exam. The stations are authentic, and the explanatory notes are so detailed that they are a valuable supplement to the standard textbooks. College tutors and other trainers will also find it helpful, not only as a source of revision, but also to assist them in setting up new practice stations. This book consists of sets of OSCE cases that closely simulate the OSCE format of the latest MCI curriculum. The tutorial following each OSCE station will provide a depth and breadth of knowledge for candidates and will assist trainers in setting up additional OSCEs on the related subject. We can assure that you will score well after reading & practicing OSCEs & OSPEs Case scenarios in simulation lab with this Practical workbook in your hand.
1. Trauma Protocol & Toxidromic Approach 1
2. Learning Simulation in Toxidrome & Trauma Management 4
3. Toxidrome Study Material 9
4. Scenario I: MDMA-Induced Seizure 13
5. Scenario II: Sympatholytic Toxidrome 22
6. Scenario III: Opioid Toxidrome 30
7. Scenario IV: Burn with CO/CN Toxidrome 36
8. Scenario V: Ethylene Glycol Overdose 45
9. Scenario VI: Cholinergic toxidrome - OrganophosphorousPoisoning (Pesticide) 51
10. Scenario VII: Tricyclic Antidepressant (TCA) Overdose -Anti Cholinergic Toxidrome 61
11. Scenario VIII: Calcium Channel Blocker Overdose 70
12. Scenario IX: Digoxin Overdose 75
13. Scenario X: Snake Bite Toxidrome 82
14. Scenario XI: Analgesic Toxicity- ASA Overdose 88
15. Scenario XI: Analgesic Toxicity- ASA Overdose 94
16. Scenario XIII: Hypothermia with Trauma 103
17. Scenario XIV: Obstetrical Trauma 109
18. Scenario XV: Penetrating Trauma in Pregnant 116
19. Scenario XVI: Pelvic Fracture and SDH 134
20. Scenario XVII: Pediatric Physical Abuse 140
21. Scenario XVIII: Pediatric Trauma Interprofess-ional Simulation- 5 Year-Old Pedestrian Struck by a Motor Vehicle 155
22. Scenario XIX: Non-Accidental Trauma in Infant 170
23. Scenario XX: Chest Trauma 177
24. Scenario XXI: Adult Fracture 189
25. Scenario XXII: Adult Gun Shot Wound (GSW) Trauma Resuscitation 202
26. Scenario XXIII: Hanging and Cardio-Respiratory Arrest 213
27. Polytrauma (Injured: Intoxicated) A to Z Management in Pre-Hospital Care 229
28. Memory Notes for Snakebite Management 233
29. Educational Objectives of Simulation in Trauma & Toxicology 240
30. References 245
31. Bibliography & Suggested Reading 247
32. Medical Acronyms/Terms Used in Simulation Scenario 248
33. More Books on Topic of Trauma & Toxicology Management authored/ co-authored or
contributed chapters by Dr Vivekanshu Verma 249
34. List of Contributors 250
Practical Emergency Trauma Toxicology Cases Workbook in Simulation Training